Code of conduct


At Hytek A/S, we aim for openness, honesty and transparency in the way we do business and we are dedicated to build and maintain a strong customer relationship.

We always strive for absolute regulatory compliance, meeting international as well as local legislation at all times. We cooperate closely with relevant flag states, classification societies, Cralog and manufacturers, in order to ensure that we meet every standard, rule and regulation in force.

Hytek A/S strives to be the preferred and officially best recommended supplier in the field of inspection and maintenance of lifeboats, davits and lifting appliances of all brands that our customers may have on board their vessel. As well as the preferred supplier of new cranes, davits and lifeboats.

Hytek A/S will make every effort to comply with applicable rules and regulations for the area, and endeavor in cooperation with the respective flag states, classification societies, manufacturers and owners, to define the content of every job, so that all are aware of the scope, interpretations of the rules and that provisions are met to the greatest extent.

Hytek A/S’ objective is to be the guarantor of high quality and deliver exactly what is agreed with the customer. The basis for meeting this objective is our high professionalism and our quality management system. Everyone working within this area is responsible for complying with Hytek A/S’s Code of Conduct.


We will meet our customers’ needs and expectations to services and make commitments we understand.

Inspection, maintenance and repair of launching- and lifting appliances for:
Cranes, Launching Appliances, Lifeboats, Rescue Boats, Release and Retrieval systems and Hydraulic test center services.
Professional judgement shall be the bedrock of all our inspections.
Maintain all approvals via the most respected authorities in the industry.

Through management’s evaluation and use of support processes in this system, we commit to continually improve the system’s efficiency and ensure continued compliance.

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